学生无障碍中心与符合条件的学生合作,确保平等接受教育和大学生活. It is a collaborative effort between the student, 工作人员, 教师和学生无障碍中心(SAC),以方便访问, 在足彩外围促进校园包容,提供平等的教育机会.

我们的办公室评估和批准残疾学生的合理住宿. According to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, 残疾包括任何“严重限制一项或多项主要生活活动的身体或精神损伤”.” Any student with a verified disability could include physical, psychological or learning disabilities, communicative disorders or temporary injuries (e.g. concussions, broken or sprained limbs).

以残疾为基础确定获得服务和便利的资格, students will engage in a process which includes completing an online form, 与SAC主任预约,提供进一步的信息,并根据您的要求收集文件.

Accommodations based on verifiable documentation may include:

  • Testing in a distraction-reduced area
  • Priority registration
  • Testing with extended time
  • Access to assistive technology
  • Providing a scribe for testing in cases of temporary injury

Grievance Procedure: 任何认为自己因残疾而受到歧视的学生都可以向学生无障碍中心寻求帮助,参与互动过程以寻求解决方案. 请阅读 Disability Discrimination Grievance Procedure to learn how to seek assistance.

联系 Information

Ohio Relay Dial 711

Requesting Academic Accommodations

Academic Accommodations

我们鼓励希望申请住宿的学生(包括因受伤而临时住宿的学生)通过启动流程并提供残疾文件来自我披露. 批准, 除非学生向其导师提供学生无障碍中心的信函,否则学生将无法入住. If you are a new or current student, we are happy to talk with you anytime about what support we can offer.

Requesting Housing Accommodations

Housing Accommodations

如果您要求修改您的住房安排,为残疾人提供便利, 请按照以下步骤通过学生无障碍中心申请住宿.


在截止日期之后提交的住房住宿申请不能得到保证, as they will be subject to availability.

New students and transfer students: 提交你的 Housing Accommodations Request Form 至少 一个月 在秋季或春季学期开始之前,这取决于你计划什么时候开始.

Returning students: 如果你现在有一个住宿,并希望明年保持该住宿, you must go through the renewal process. 提交你的 Housing Accommodations Request Form by 1月31日 to apply for housing accommodations for the following academic year. Accommodations need to be renewed every year; they do not roll over from year to year.

Other Accommodations

Dietary Accommodations

餐饮服务部与学生健康服务部和注册营养师合作,提供特定的临床饮食需求. Students are encouraged to contact 弗雷德Geib in Dining Services to discuss their dietary needs. Requests are reviewed and evaluated on a case-by-case basis. 如果你发现学校提供的饮食计划不能满足你的需求,因为食物过敏或其他医学相关的饮食限制, you can request accommodations by completing the Dietary Accommodations Request Form.

Emotional Support Animals

我们目前正在更新我们的ESA申请流程,并将在10月底准备好, giving you plenty of time to apply for an ESA for the Spring semester.


服务性动物是任何被单独训练来为残疾人工作或执行任务的狗. 服务型动物通常被允许陪伴它们的训导员进入任何允许它们的训导员进入的建筑或公共空间. 如果你有问题或想要帮助计划在足彩外围的服务动物, 或者对你的服务动物陪伴时的治疗和访问有疑问, please contact the Student 可访问性 Center.